Why hire a complete stranger when you can hire from employee networks for free?

That's what Weekday Circles helps you do. You also get feedback from your trusted people instead of shooting in the dark with strangers

View all your employee networks in one place;
along with resume/contact data for free

No need to manually asking your employees for referrals (and not hearing back). Ask them to install a Chrome Extension and see all their connections at one place

Frequently asked questions

While these are some frequently asked questions, feel free to contact us for any follow-up questions

I still don't understand how it works

Alright, lets look at this way. Each of your employees are connected to 500 or more people on LinkedIn (their schoolmates, previous colleagues etc). if you have 500 employees, that means a total of 500x500 = 250,000 people who should be your first port of call whenever you are looking to hire anyone new. Weekday helps you see all those 250,000 people in one single place as well as see their contact info. We also allow you to reach out to them via email drips, whatsapp and call reminders (yes, we at Weekday do those calls; no need to call as well).

Why hire a complete stranger when you can hire from networks and also get feedback from your trusted people?

What's the catch? Why is it free?

This is a new feature that we have launched and is free for the first 100 companies that sign up.

We also hope that after seeing the usefulness of Weekday, you would opt for taking a paid subscription so that you can access global pool of 80% of India.