Give us job details.
We will find candidates for you and get them interested

We have 80% of India on our platform so it doesn't matter which role you are hiring for - we have almost every white collar worker in India

So you give different set of candidates than others, but what else?

Weekday Chrome Extension

Etiam ornare aliquam velit, eu congue diam vehicula condimentum. Donec sit amet ipsum in arcu blandit molestie.

Weekday Job Portal

Aenean varius fringilla pharetra. Aliquam ac dapibus lacus. Duis dapibus arcu sapien, sed tincidunt elit accumsan nec.

20+ third party API integrations

Vivamus eu rutrum nunc, nec hendrerit nisi. Vestibulum convallis justo porta, tempus quam ac, porttitor lacus.

Upfront blind reference checks

We have our own job board where candidates come and sign up

No no-shows at interviews

We allow Network Sharing in exchange of monetary rewards to users via our Chrome Extension

Pipeline Insights

We have partnered with every reliable data provider under the sun to have highest coverage of  contact data and professional data

From turn around times to every step of your funnel, we measure everything

66% fill rate
We successfully hire for most of the roles we take on

80% shortlisting rate
Most of the candidate we share, you will want to interview

Smart AI filters

Nam sit amet quam erat. Nullam consequat imperdiet orci eu blandit. Phasellus in massa dignissim ante varius sodales.

Deeply tagged companies

Nullam vitae luctus tellus, sit amet pellentesque erat. Proin et laoreet nunc, at ornare tellus. Praesent volutpat dictum risus eu pharetra.

Early employees at scaled startups

Proin non blandit risus. Sed nec sollicitudin neque. Phasellus varius neque quis ante consequat, accumsan commodo lacus laoreet.

Filter candidates with job promotions

In lorem mi, tempus mollis lorem id, consectetur rutrum justo. Duis odio quam, consequat at gravida non, tristique eget orci.

Multiple scheduling options

Vivamus auctor urna id sem consectetur, vestibulum sodales magna hendrerit. Quisque ut dignissim magna. Nulla iaculis tempus finibus.

Frequently asked questions

Nunc et placerat odio, quis gravida leo. Integer lobortis orci felis, quis porta diam aliquet quis. Etiam accumsan id tortor at suscipit.

What roles do you work on?

In our white glove service, we work on very selective roles where we feel that quality of talent makes the biggest difference and our value proposition of best talent stands out. As a result, we do not work for fresher or junior roles.
Categories: Software engineering (backend, frontend, full-stack, Mobile engg, Machine Learning, Data Engg, SRE, QA), Product, Growth and Design

How does pricing work? What happens if the candidate leaves soon after joining?

We work on success fee model. We charge 15% of annual salary of the candidate who ends up joining you.

We offer a full refund if a candidate leaves within 90 days of joining; while we find other candidates for the role.

With your pricing model, aren't you incentivised to make the most expensive hire possible?

All our internal processes are optimised towards increasing the fill rate ie number of roles we close / number of roles we take on. We pride ourselves in having the highest fill rate in the industry - most agencies would kill for a 30% fill rate; we pride ourselves on double that. While we do work on success fee, it is far more profitable for us to have repeat customers; thus finding right fit is far more important for us. than most expensive one.

How do you manage 50% response rate?

We end up with more than 50% response rate because of 2 mains things:
1. Hyper-targeted outreach: We don't send messages to non-relevant folks. Since we feature only highly relevant folks for any role, the chances of that person not being a fit for it decreases.
2. Email drip campaign + Whatsapp + Phone Call: We reach out to these people through multiple methods so that we get either a yes or a no from a candidate as fast as possible.

If you are sending Whatsapp and calls to people, how does it impact employer brand?

Firstly, we don't reach out to non-relevant folks. The ones we reach out to are almost always relevant. It's just that they might not be interested now; they could be in future. Hence, it doesn't create a bad impression to candidates.

On top of it, we always give an easy opt-out process to the candidates so that we are reaching out to candidates on their preferred mode of communication.
You would be surprised with how many people don't check their email/LinkedIn regularly as its not their preferred mode of communication

Which companies are you working with right now?

We work with more than 200 startups and large organisations. Few of the names include Rippling, Coinbase, AtoB, Zepto, Docket, Canary Technologies, Saltmine etc.