A little bit about us

We are re-organising world’s professional data to be more actionable for hiring. On a broad outlook, we are a data intelligence company where both data (ie actionable rich data on candidates and their profiles) and intelligence (effective matching) are equally important

Summer 2019

We (ie Amit, Chetan and Anubhav) were running our previous startup called Memer - a consumer social app trying to take on Tiktok. It was during that time that we realised how broken hiring really was. For a startup looking for it's first engineer, our quality bar was understandably high. We were not okay with just about anybody joining us; we had very specific characteristics we were looking for. Relying on inbound meant that we would be compromising on those traits.

We spent 3 months with 1 founder dedicatedly sourcing full-time and other 2 interviewing half the time. We exhausted all possible channels. We were very frustrated - Doesn't every company in the world  face similar problems? How come nothing better than LinkedIn exists out there?

After a lot of struggle we did end up hiring, but that itch remained.

We ended up getting acquired by Sharechat (a multi-billion unicorn backed by Twitter and Google). This picture is taken on our first day of acquisition.

Winter 2021

When we decided to startup again, it was obvious that we are going to solve the biggest problem we faced in our previous one. Turns out most other organisations also a very similar problem.

After about a month of starting up, we got into YC. While interviewing for YC - we did not have any product but we did have revenue and a novel approach to "pro-active hiring".

Weekday is now India's largest database of white collar professionals. We have made the database searchable to the finest details that a recruiter would need.

Key metrics of our success

Users in our database

Profiles in our pool right now. Constantly adding new ones

Network Contributors

People who share their networks with us

Fill rate

No of roles that we successfully hire for as compared to the ones we take on


Companies that have used us

The values that inspire our every action

No bullshit

No fancy talk. We like to be direct


Not staying silent if nothing is moving. We pre-empt it and take action


We have a strong bias for action. We try first and then discuss

Value for time

High signal to noise ratio in all that we do

Meet the team

Nam varius scelerisque ex. Nulla ornare aliquet lacus, at condimentum est vestibulum ac. Aenean ultricies cursus mi eu congue.

Amit Singh
CEO & Cofounder
Chetan Dalal
CPO & Cofounder
Anubhav Malik
CTO and Cofounder
Sanjay Sivaraman
Rahul Wagh
Ambuj Agarwal
Karan Kanojia
Bharat Nischal
Rounak Agrawal
Raghav Sehgal
Raghav Sehgal
Harsh Parmar
Parasar Abhishek
Amogha Maiya
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