We have 80% of India on our platform so it doesn't matter which role you are hiring for - we have almost every white collar worker in India
Weekday has 80% of India's white collar workforce and >50% response rate
Nam sit amet quam erat. Nullam consequat imperdiet orci eu blandit. Phasellus in massa dignissim ante varius sodales.
Nullam vitae luctus tellus, sit amet pellentesque erat. Proin et laoreet nunc, at ornare tellus. Praesent volutpat dictum risus eu pharetra.
Proin non blandit risus. Sed nec sollicitudin neque. Phasellus varius neque quis ante consequat, accumsan commodo lacus laoreet.
In lorem mi, tempus mollis lorem id, consectetur rutrum justo. Duis odio quam, consequat at gravida non, tristique eget orci.
Vivamus auctor urna id sem consectetur, vestibulum sodales magna hendrerit. Quisque ut dignissim magna. Nulla iaculis tempus finibus.
Since we have tagged most of the companies and we also know when candidates have worked in them, we intellegently figure out who is an early employee and who is not
One of the best heuristic in figuring out A+ people is to know if they have advanced in one particular org or have hopped from one to another
We have built a map of sectors and areas of expertise for hundreds of thousands of companies; hence allowing you to filter on those
We understand that your search might end up being too complex for normal OR AND based filters; we allow for all kinds of complex queries
We also have upfront reference checks and ratings for candidates, allowing you to know that before even starting to interview
Even after all the filters put it, there are thousands of candidates who would be a fit, we rank the best candidate on top automatically
Most data providers don't have enough coverage in India as that's never their primary market. How do we know these numbers? Because we ourselves use them as a fall-back mechanism