September 30, 2024

Building a New Hiring Plan in 7 Steps

Learn how to build a new hiring plan by assessing needs, setting clear goals, synchronizing hiring across teams and more.

In today’s competitive market, finding candidates who not only have the right skills but also fit your company culture can feel like an uphill battle. Add the pressure of aligning recruitment with revenue goals, expanding into new markets, and ensuring diversity, and the process can seem overwhelming.

But here’s the good news: a strategic approach to hiring can transform how you attract, assess, and retain top talent. From setting clear goals and building a talent pipeline to enhancing the candidate experience, this guide will walk you through actionable steps to optimize your hiring strategy and make it a driving force behind your company’s success.

Curious about how to make hiring one of your company’s strongest assets? Let’s dive in.

1. Assess Your Hiring Needs

Hiring isn’t just about filling vacancies. It’s about strategically aligning talent acquisition with your company’s growth goals. Before diving into recruitment, you need a clear understanding of your immediate and future staffing needs to ensure every hire strengthens your organization.

Discuss Talent Needs with Leadership

Hiring decisions should start with input from leadership. To align your recruitment with business goals:

  • Engage leadership to discuss upcoming projects and long-term growth plans.
  • Identify key roles that will support the company’s future expansion or new market entry.
  • Ensure hiring priorities are directly linked to overall company objectives.

Identify Current Staffing Gaps and Future Needs

A skills gap analysis helps you spot where your teams are lacking. Consider:

  • Immediate staffing gaps in current projects.
  • Skills your organization will need for upcoming ventures.
  • The long-term implications of not filling key positions in time.
  • A proactive approach to staffing helps prevent last-minute hiring scrambles and ensures you’re prepared for future growth.

Evaluate the Necessity for DEI Hiring Practices

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are more than just buzzwords—they're critical to fostering innovation and broadening perspectives within your workforce. To enhance your DEI efforts:

  • Conduct a review of current hiring practices to assess diversity.
  • Implement specific DEI goals in your recruitment process.
  • Ensure that job postings and outreach efforts appeal to a diverse pool of candidates.
  • A focus on DEI leads to a richer company culture and a broader range of ideas that drive innovation.

Plan for Specific Hiring Events or Cycles

Planning ahead for specific hiring cycles helps streamline recruitment. Key steps include:

  • Identifying peak hiring periods within your industry.
  • Scheduling recruitment events like job fairs or networking opportunities.
  • Aligning these efforts with HR’s capacity to handle large candidate pools efficiently.

By preparing for these cycles, you reduce last-minute rushes and ensure a smoother hiring process.

Determine the Pace of Hiring

Not all hires are equally urgent. To avoid overwhelming your HR team and budget:

  • Prioritize positions that need immediate attention.
  • Plan staggered hires for roles that can wait.
  • Consider factors like budget constraints and the current workload of hiring teams.

This measured approach ensures that hiring stays on track without straining resources.

2. Set Clear Strategic Hiring Goals

Once you’ve assessed your hiring needs, the next step is setting clear, strategic goals that align with your company’s broader objectives. These goals ensure that your recruitment efforts stay focused and effective.

Outline Annual Recruiting Goals Aligned with Company Objectives

Your recruiting goals should be closely tied to your company’s strategic vision. For example:

  • Align recruitment efforts with business expansion, new product launches, or other major initiatives.
  • Set measurable goals for hiring, such as the number of hires needed in specific departments or to support certain projects.

Ensure these goals are reviewed and adjusted throughout the year as business needs evolve.

Identify Key Outcomes (Revenue, Profit, Expansion, etc.)

Each hiring decision should directly support key business outcomes, such as:

  • Increasing revenue through hiring more sales staff or marketing experts.
  • Driving profit by bringing on operational roles to improve efficiency.
  • Supporting expansion into new markets with hires that have local expertise.

By focusing on outcomes, you ensure each hire has a clear, measurable impact on the company’s success.

Determine the Necessary Positions to Achieve These Outcomes

To reach your goals, you need the right people in the right roles. Identify:

  • The positions critical to meeting business objectives.
  • Prioritize hiring for roles that will drive the most immediate impact on key metrics like revenue, customer growth, or product development.
  • Determine the skills needed in these positions and ensure they align with business strategies.

With your strategic goals in place, it’s important to coordinate hiring efforts across all departments.

3. Synchronize Hiring Across Teams

Successful hiring requires strong collaboration across your entire organization. When teams are aligned, recruitment becomes more effective, and your company can maintain a unified focus on attracting the best talent.

Share Hiring Needs During Management Meetings

Hiring needs should be a regular discussion point at management meetings. To keep everyone on the same page:

  • Make hiring a standing agenda item at leadership meetings.
  • Regularly update team leaders on recruitment goals and progress.
  • Encourage departments to share their upcoming needs, ensuring alignment across the company.

This transparency prevents last-minute hiring decisions and fosters better workforce planning.

Incorporate Hiring Needs into the Annual Plan

Your annual hiring plan should be an integral part of your overall business strategy. Key steps include:

  • Incorporating recruitment timelines into the company’s yearly budget and operational plans.
  • Ensuring that all departments are aware of the hiring schedule and that resources are properly allocated.
  • Adjusting the hiring plan throughout the year based on business growth or shifting priorities.

This integrated approach keeps hiring on track and ensures it aligns with your company’s financial and operational goals.

Develop Cohesive Strategies for Recruitment, Marketing, and Communications

For maximum effectiveness, recruitment efforts should be supported by marketing and communications teams. Here’s how:

  • Collaborate with marketing to create targeted job advertisements that resonate with your ideal candidates.
  • Ensure consistent messaging across all platforms, including job boards, social media, and your company website.
  • Use branding to differentiate your company and highlight what makes your workplace unique.
  • This unified approach boosts your recruitment efforts and helps attract the best talent in the market.

With internal alignment in place, the next step is to create job postings that stand out and reflect your brand identity.

4. Craft a Branded Job Template

Your job postings are often the first interaction candidates have with your company. Ensuring they reflect your brand and are engaging will help attract the right talent.

Create Customized Job Posting Templates with Company Branding

To make sure your job postings are compelling and aligned with your company identity:

  • Design visually appealing job posting templates that include your company’s logo and colors.
  • Maintain consistency across all job descriptions to reinforce brand identity.
  • Highlight your company’s values and culture to attract candidates who align with your mission.

Ensure All Relevant Job Details Are Included

Candidates should have a clear understanding of the role from the job description. Include:

  • A detailed breakdown of responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations.
  • A clear outline of the benefits package and any perks your company offers.
  • Information about your company’s culture and work environment.
  • A well-crafted job description ensures candidates can make informed decisions about applying.

Utilize Resources like Customizable Job Description Tools

Leverage available tools to streamline the job posting process:

  • Use customizable job description generators to ensure consistency across roles.
  • Regularly update job templates to reflect current company priorities and industry trends.
  • Incorporate feedback from hiring managers and recruiters to refine your job postings.
  • By using these tools, you can save time while maintaining a professional and branded look for all job postings.

Now that you’ve crafted a strong job description, it’s important to focus on delivering an exceptional candidate experience.

5. Enhance the Candidate Experience

Attracting top talent goes beyond just posting a job; it’s about providing a positive candidate experience from the first interaction through the final interview.

Develop a Written Interview Guide with a Standardized Scoring System

Consistency is key in interviews to ensure a fair and objective process. To streamline this:

  • Create a set of standard interview questions for each role.
  • Use a scoring system to objectively evaluate each candidate based on their answers.
  • Ensure interviewers are trained to apply this system fairly and consistently.

Streamline the Candidate Experience to Avoid Complications

A smooth hiring process reflects well on your company. To improve candidate experience:

  • Simplify the application process by minimizing unnecessary steps.
  • Use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to manage communications and keep candidates informed.
  • Offer timely feedback at every stage of the hiring process to maintain candidate engagement.

Ensure Career Pages, Applications, and Interviews Are User-Friendly

Your career page and online application process should be easy to navigate. Ensure:

  • The career page is mobile-optimized and provides clear information about open roles.
  • The online application process is short, intuitive, and accessible.
  • Candidates receive detailed information about the interview process and what to expect.
  • A positive candidate experience leaves a lasting impression and can help secure top talent for your company.

This structure enhances readability and makes the content more digestible for the audience. Each section is concise, and bulleted points help break down the information, making it easier for readers to follow and understand.

6. Develop a Talent Pipeline

A well-developed talent pipeline ensures you have access to potential candidates before a position opens up. This proactive approach can significantly reduce time-to-hire and ensure your organization is always ready to bring in the right talent.

Build and Maintain a Database of Potential Candidates

Building a strong talent pipeline starts with keeping track of promising candidate database. Here’s how to do it effectively:

  • Create a talent database: Use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) or CRM to store information about potential candidates who have expressed interest in your company.
  • Keep track of past applicants: Candidates who weren’t the right fit for one position may be perfect for a future role.
  • Monitor industry trends: Keep an eye on high-performing individuals in your industry who may not be actively seeking a new job but could be valuable additions to your team.

Create a Communications Program for Ongoing Engagement

Once you’ve identified potential candidates, keeping them engaged is essential to maintaining their interest in your company. To do this:

  • Send periodic updates: Share company news, new roles, or upcoming projects that may pique their interest.
  • Offer networking opportunities: Host virtual or in-person events to keep top talent engaged with your brand.
  • Provide career development resources: Send out valuable content, such as industry reports, career advice, or professional development opportunities.

Ongoing communication keeps candidates engaged, making it easier to reach out when an ideal role becomes available.

Host Company Open Houses to Meet Potential Hires

Open houses or informal company events can be an excellent way to introduce potential candidates to your company culture. Consider:

  • Hosting virtual or in-person open houses: Give candidates a chance to learn about your company and meet with current employees.
  • Offering behind-the-scenes insights: Show potential candidates what it's like to work at your company, which can boost interest in future roles.
  • Creating casual networking opportunities: Build relationships with candidates before they formally apply, making it easier to recruit them when needed.

Developing a talent pipeline allows you to stay ahead of your recruitment needs and engage with candidates before the hiring urgency kicks in.

As you build your talent pipeline, don’t overlook one of your most valuable resources—your internal talent.

7. Identify Internal and Passive Candidates

Internal candidates and passive job seekers often represent untapped potential. By focusing on these groups, you can find high-quality talent that may not be actively looking but is well-suited for your company’s needs.

Evaluate Current Employees Ready for Advancement

Promoting from within boosts morale and ensures faster onboarding since internal candidates are already familiar with your company’s processes and culture. To identify potential internal candidates:

  • Conduct regular performance reviews: Identify employees who have demonstrated readiness for advancement.
  • Offer internal mobility programs: Provide pathways for employees to transition to different roles within the company.
  • Focus on employee development: Offer training and development opportunities that prepare employees for future leadership roles.

Promoting from within also sends a strong message about your company’s commitment to growth and development.

Benefit from Quicker Onboarding and Retention of Top Performers

Internal candidates often require less training and have a shorter learning curve, which makes them a valuable asset. Benefits include:

  • Faster integration: Internal hires are already familiar with your company’s culture, reducing the time spent on onboarding.
  • Increased retention: Promoting top performers helps retain talent by showing employees that there are clear career paths within the organization.
  • Cost-effective hiring: It can be more economical to promote from within rather than engage in lengthy external recruitment processes.

Source High-Value Passive Candidates Worth the Additional Effort

Passive candidates are those who aren’t actively looking for a new job but may be open to the right opportunity. To attract these high-value candidates:

  • Leverage networking opportunities: Build relationships through industry events, professional associations, or social media platforms like LinkedIn.
  • Personalize your outreach: When approaching passive candidates, make your message personal and tailored to their interests and career goals.
  • Highlight your company’s unique value proposition: Explain why your company is an attractive place to work, emphasizing growth opportunities, culture, and flexibility.

While it takes more effort to engage passive candidates, the investment can pay off with highly qualified hires who are a perfect fit for your organization.

Learn more about the Differences and Strategies in Recruiting Active vs Passive Candidates.


By assessing your hiring needs, setting clear goals, synchronizing efforts across departments, and focusing on the candidate experience, you can attract the best talent in a competitive market. Investing time in developing a talent pipeline, engaging passive candidates, and promoting from within can save your organization time and resources in the future. The result is a stronger, more capable workforce that helps your business thrive.

Whether you’re facing immediate staffing needs or planning for future growth, following a structured approach to hiring will ensure that every new hire is not just a fit for today, but an asset for tomorrow.

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